Proven Strategies To Get Google Adsense Approval Easily

Technical Gorkha
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In the world of Online monetization, Google AdSense stands out as the most preferred and lucrative options for website owners. Google AdSense is a popular advertising program run by Google. Which allows website owners and publishers to monetize their online content. Advertise by displaying targeted ads on their websites. Google Adsense enables publishers to earn revenue from their website traffic by displaying ads that are relevant to their content and audience. However, getting approval for AdSense can be a daunting task, especially for newcomers. Fear not, here we share a comprehensive guide which will walk you through each step, providing invaluable insights and tips to increase your chances of AdSense approval Eligible check:

Ultimate Guide: How to Get AdSense Approval for Your Website In 2024

1. Create Quality Contents: 

The cornerstone of Google AdSense approval is high-quality content. Make sure your website has original, valuable, and engaging content which follows to Google's content policies. Avoid using plagiarized words, excessive keywords targeting, and low-value content, as these can hinder your approval process. Try to meet the needs and interests of the audience providing informative content, educate them, and try to add some value to their experience.  Here are some characteristics of quality content:


Quality content is aligned with the preferences, interests,  and needs of the audience. These targeting topics which are timely, useful, and meaningful to the readers.


It is factually accurate, well-researched, and supported by credible sources. High Quality content provides reliable information that can be trusted by the audience.

Clarity and Readability: 

High Quality Content is easy to understand and digest to it's users. Which uses clear language or unnecessary complexity, and also organizes information in a logical manner that help users easy to understand.


High Quality Content offers a unique perspective, angle, or insight. This sets it apart from other websites content available on the internet. It adds value by providing original ideas, opinions, or interpretations.


Quality content captures the audience's attention and encourages them to interact on pages such as likes, shares, and comments. This encourages curiosity, emotions, and action keeping users engaged and interested.

Visual Appeal: 

Quality content is visually appealing, high-quality images, videos, graphics, and multimedia elements. These enhance the presentation and appeal to the audience's senses.


Quality content showcases writers expertise, authority, and credibility on the topic. It showcases the author's knowledge, experience, or qualifications, which helps in establishing trust with the audience.


Quality content must be up-to-date and relevant to current trends, events, or developments in the  niche. Which demonstrates a commitment to providing timely and relevant information to the audience.


Quality content provides value to the audience. Whether it educates, entertains, solves a problem, or fulfills a need, it leaves the audience feeling informed, satisfied, or inspired.

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2. Choose the Right Niche: 

While AdSense is versatile and caters to various niches, some perform better than others. Focus on niches with high demand, have higher searches and advertiser interest. It means the niche which has higher demand such as finance, technology, health, lifestyle, crypto and insurance. Do well research to identify profitable niches aligned with your interests and expertise. Choosing the right niche is crucial for its success and long-term viability.

Here are some steps to help you select the right niche:

Identify Your Interests and Passions

Start by listing the topics you are interested, hobbies, or industries. Consider your hobbies, skills, experiences, and areas of expertise. Choosing a niche that aligns with your passions will make the process more enjoyable and sustainable in the long run.

Conduct Market Research

After you have a list of potential niches, conduct thorough market research to assess the viability and potential for success. Use keywords research tools like Google Trends, keyword research tools Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and social media analytics to analyze the demand, competition, and audience size for each niche.

Evaluate Profitability

Assess the monetization potential of each niche by analyzing factors such as advertising demand, affiliate marketing opportunities, product/service availability, and audience purchasing power. Choose niches with sufficient commercial intent and revenue potential to monetize your website effectively.

Assess Competition 

Analyze the competition within each niche to understand your ability to stand out. Analyze competing websites, their content quality, audience engagement, and market positioning. Look for niches with moderate competition, where you can differentiate yourself and carve out a unique space.

Consider Long-Term Growth Potential 

Choosing the niche for long-term growth potential and sustainability is more valuable for your website. Assess industry trends, technological advancements, demographic shifts, and evolving consumer preferences to anticipate future opportunities and challenges. Avoid niches that are too narrow or trendy, as they may have limited growth prospects.

Define Your Target Audience

Understanding your audience will help you create relevant and engaging content that attracts and retains visitors. So, Clearly define your target audience and their demographics, interests, preferences, and pain points. Choose a niche that resonates with your target audience and addresses their needs effectively. 

Evaluate Your Resources and Constraints 

Consider your resources, skills, time availability, and budget. Assess your ability to create high-quality content, market your website, and monetize your traffic within the chosen niche. Choose a niche that aligns with your resources and allows you to compete effectively.

Validate Your Idea 

Before committing fully to a niche, validate your idea by conducting a pilot or test phase. Create a minimum viable product (MVP), such as a small website or blog, and gauge audience response, engagement, and feedback. Use analytics data to assess traffic, user behavior, and content performance to validate the niche's viability.

Stay Flexible and Adaptive

Keep in mind that niche selection is not set in stone, and you may need to pivot or adjust your strategy based on market feedback, trends, and opportunities. Stay flexible and adaptive, and be willing to iterate and refine your niche over time to maximize success.

3. User-Friendly Website Design: 

A well-designed website not only enhances user experience, It's also improves website chances of AdSense approval. Ensure that the website is visually appealing, mobile-responsive, and easy to navigate. Optimize loading speed, layout, and readability to provide a seamless browsing experience for visitors. Designing a user-friendly website is essential for providing a positive experience to visitors and encouraging engagement and conversion. 

Simplify Navigation: 

Ensure that the websites navigation is intuitive and easy to use. Use clear menu labels and structure to help visitors find the information they're looking for quickly. Limit the number of menu items to avoid overwhelming users and prioritize important pages.

Mobile Responsiveness: 

With the increasing use of mobile devices, it's crucial to design your website to be responsive and adaptable to different screen sizes. Use responsive design techniques to ensure that your website looks and functions well on smartphones, tablets, and desktops.

Optimize Page Speed: 

Page speed is a serious factor in user experience and search engine rankings. Optimize your website's loading speed by minimizing HTTP requests, compressing images, using browser caching, and optimizing it's code. Tools like Google Page-speed Insights can help identify areas for improvement.

Use Clear Call-to-Action: 

Guide users towards desired actions by incorporating clear and prominent calls-to-action throughout your website. Whether it's signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or contacting you, CTAs should stand out visually and convey a clear message.

Prioritize Accessibility: 

Make the website accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Ensure that your website complies with accessibility standards such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Provide alternative text for images using in article, use descriptive link text, and ensure keyboard navigation could be possible.

Consistent Design and Branding: 

Maintain consistency in design elements such as colors, fonts, and image across the website to reinforce your brand identity and create a cohesive user experience. Consistent design helps users navigate your website more easily and builds trust and recognition.

Readable Content: 

Use clear fonts in the website, appropriate font sizes, and sufficient contrast between text and background colors to ensure highly readability. Break up content into digestible chunks with headings, subheadings, and bullet points to improve scannability.

Optimize Images and Multimedia: 

Use high-quality images and multimedia elements to enhance your website's visual appeal, but ensure they are optimized for web use to minimize load times. Provide alternative text for images and captions for videos to improve accessibility and understanding.

Minimize Distractions: 

Avoid cluttering your website with unnecessary elements or distractions that can overwhelm users and detract from the main content. Keep design elements clean and focused, with ample white space to help users focus on the most important information.

Test and Iterate: 

Continuously test your website's design and functionality across different devices and user scenarios to identify areas for improvement. Solicit feedback from users through surveys, usability testing, and analytics data, and use this information to iterate and refine your design.

4. Website SEO Optimization:

Search engine optimization plays a vital role in attracting organic traffic to your website, which is vital for AdSense approval. Conduct keyword research, optimize meta tags, headers, and content, and build quality back links to improve your website's visibility on search engines. Optimizing SEO on your website is crucial for improving its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages.

Here are some essential steps to optimize SEO:

Keyword Research:

Start by conducting through keyword research to identify relevant keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for. Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to discover high-volume keywords with moderate competition.

On-Page Optimization:

  • Title Tags: Optimize title tags for each page with primary keywords to accurately describe the content and entice users to click.
  • Meta Descriptions: Write compelling meta descriptions that summarize the content and encourage users to visit your website.
  • Headers (H1, H2, H3): Use headers to structure your content and include target keywords where relevant.
  • URL Structure: Create SEO-friendly URLs which are descriptive, concise, and contain keywords.
  • Optimized Content: Provide high-quality content, relevant content that incorporates target keywords naturally. Aim for comprehensive, in-depth content that addresses user intent and provides value.

Mobile Optimization:

Ensure the website is mobile-friendly and responsive to mobile users to provide a seamless experience. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its search results, so optimizing for mobile is essential for SEO.

Page Speed Optimization:

Improve page loading speed by optimizing images, minimizing HTTP requests, enabling browser caching, and using content delivery networks (CDNs). Google considers page speed as a ranking factor, so faster-loading pages can improve your SEO performance.

Internal Linking:

Use internal links to connect related pages within your website's content. Internal linking helps search engines understand the structure of your website and distributes link equity (SEO value) throughout your site.

External Linking:

Include relevant external links to authoritative websites within your content. External links provide additional context to your content and can improve its credibility and relevance in the eyes of search engines.

Optimize Images:

Optimize images for SEO by using descriptive filenames, alt tags, and captions. Include target keywords where appropriate and ensure images are properly sized and compressed to minimize page load times.

Schema Markup:

Implement schema markup to provide search engines with additional information about your content, such as reviews, ratings, events, and FAQs. Schema markup can enhance your search snippets and improve click-through rates.

Create Quality Back links:

Earn high-quality back links from reputable websites within your industry or niche. Focus on acquiring natural back links through content creation, outreach, and relationship building. Avoid spammy link-building tactics that can harm your website's SEO.

Monitor and Analyze Performance:

Use SEO tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to monitor your website's performance, track keyword rankings, analyze traffic sources, and identify opportunities for improvement. Regularly review and adjust your SEO strategy based on data insights and algorithm updates.

5. Create Essential Pages: 

AdSense requires certain pages on your website to ensure transparency and compliance with their policies. 

These include:

About Us: This includes the information about your website, its purpose, and the team behind it.

Disclaimer: This includes to limit the website owner's liability, clarify the terms of use, and provide important legal information to users.

Contact Us: This includes a contact form or email address for visitors to reach out to you and to your team.

Privacy Policy: This includes a clear outline about how you collect, use, and protect users data on your website.

Terms of Service: Specify the terms and conditions governing the use of your website. Use this trick to create your own Online Term And Conditions Generator Tools.

6. Focus on Traffic Generation: 

AdSense values websites with consistent traffic, so focus on driving quality traffic through various channels such as organic search, social media, email marketing, and guest blogging. Generating traffic to your website is essential for increasing visibility, attracting potential customers, and achieving your online goals. Build a strong online presence and engage with your audience to attract and retain visitors.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Optimize your website for search engines by targeting relevant keywords and op page optimization. By creating high-quality and informative content which can address user intent and provide value to your target audience, and also regularly update and refresh your content to keep it relevant and engaging for both visitors and search engines.

Content Marketing:

Develop a content marketing strategy which may includes creating blog posts, articles, and other valuable content. Afterwards Share your content on social media platforms, forums, and online communities to reach a wider audience and drive traffic back to your website. And finally Collaborates with influencers, guest bloggers, and industry experts to expand your reach and attract new visitors to your website.

Social Media Marketing:

Use popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to promote your website. Share your content, images, videos, and updates regularly to keep your followers informed and interested in your brand. Utilize social media advertising options like Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads to target specific demographics and drive traffic to your website.

Email Marketing:

Build an email list of subscribers who have opted in to receive updates, newsletters, and promotions from your website. Send personalized and relevant email campaigns to your subscribers to keep them engaged and drive traffic back to your website.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising:

Run PPC advertising campaigns on platforms like Google Ads and Bing Ads to target relevant keywords and drive traffic to your website. Create compelling ad copy, use relevant keywords, and optimize your landing pages to maximize the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns. Monitor and analyze your PPC campaigns regularly to refine your targeting, bidding strategies, and ad creatives for better results.

Online Communities and Forums:

Participate in online communities, forums, and discussion groups related to your niche or industry. Provide valuable insights, answer questions, and engage with members to establish yourself as an authority and promote your website. Include a link to your website in your forum signature or profile to drive traffic from community members interested in your content.

Collaborations and Partnerships:

Collaborate with other websites, bloggers, influencers, or businesses in your industry to cross-promote each other's content or products. Participate in joint webinars, podcasts, or events to reach new audiences and drive traffic to your website through referrals and partnerships.

Optimize Website Performance:

Ensure your website is fast, secure, and mobile-friendly to provide a seamless browsing experience for visitors. Optimize your website's navigation, design, and user interface to make it easy for users to find the information they're looking for and take desired actions.

7. Ensure Compliance with AdSense Policies:

Familiarize your site with AdSense policies and guidelines to ensure your website meets their requirements. Pay attention to prohibited content, including adult content, copyrighted material, violence, and illegal activities. Adhere to AdSense's program policies to avoid rejection or suspension.

Read and Understand Policies:

Familiarize yourself with AdSense policies to know what is and isn't allowed to get Adsense Approval.

Regularly Review Policies: 

Adsense policies change time to time, so make it a habit to review them periodically.

Create Quality Content: 

Ensure your website or app provides valuable and original content that aligns with AdSense policies.

Avoid Prohibited Content: 

Refrain from publishing content related to prohibited topics such as illegal activities, adult content, violence, etc.

Monitor Ad Placement: 

Be mindful of where ads are placed to avoid accidental clicks or placement near inappropriate content.

Stay Informed: 

Keep up-to-date with AdSense newsletters, blog posts, and help forums to stay informed about policy updates and best practices.

Respond to Violations Promptly: 

If you receive a policy violation notice, take immediate action to rectify the issue and prevent future violations.

Utilize Ad Review Center: 

Regularly check the Ad Review Center in your AdSense account to review ads displayed on your site and block any that violate policies.

Educate Team Members: 

If you have a team managing your site or app, ensure they are aware of AdSense policies and guidelines.

Seek Support: 

If you're unsure about a specific policy or need clarification, reach out to AdSense support for assistance.

8. Improve User Engagement: 

Engage your audience through interactive features such as comments, forums, quizzes, and polls. Encourage visitors social sharing and participation to enhance user engagement and increase time spent on your website, which can positively impact AdSense approval.

Improving user engagement on a website involves various strategies:

High-Quality Content: 

Offer valuable, informative, and engaging content that addresses your audience's needs and interests.

Clear Navigation: 

Ensure easy navigation so users can find what they're looking for quickly.

Responsive Design: 

Optimize your website for mobile devices to provide a seamless user experience across all platforms.

Interactive Elements: 

Incorporate interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, surveys, and interactive tools to engage users actively.

Visual Appeal: 

Use high-quality images, videos, and graphics to make your website visually appealing and captivating.


Tailor content and recommendations based on user preferences and behavior to make the experience more personalized.

Social Media Integration: 

Encourage social sharing and interaction by integrating social media buttons and widgets.

Community Building: 

Foster a sense of community by enabling user comments, forums, or community features where users can interact with each other.

Fast Loading Speed: 

Optimize your website's loading speed to reduce bounce rates and keep users engaged.

Calls to Action (CTAs): 

Use clear and compelling CTAs to guide users towards desired actions such as subscribing, downloading, or making a purchase.

Regular Updates: 

Keep your website fresh and relevant by regularly updating content and features.

Feedback Mechanism: 

Provide ways for users to give feedback, such as surveys or contact forms, and act on that feedback to improve the user experience.

Offer Incentives: 

Provide incentives such as discounts, exclusive content, or rewards for user engagement and participation.

Analytics Tracking: 

Use analytics tools to track user behavior and engagement metrics, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and optimize accordingly.

Optimize for SEO: 

Improve your website's visibility in search engines to attract more organic traffic, which can lead to increased engagement.

9. Enhance Monetization Potential: While 

AdSense is your primary monetization method, consider diversifying your revenue streams to maximize earnings. Explore affiliate marketing, sponsored content, digital products, and membership programs to supplement your AdSense income and strengthen your website's monetization strategy.

Here are several strategies to enhance monetization potential for your website:

Diversify Revenue Streams:

Explore various monetization methods such as display advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, subscriptions, and selling digital or physical products.

Optimize Ad Placement:

Strategically place ads in high-visibility areas without compromising user experience. Experiment with different ad formats and sizes to find what works best for your audience.

Improve User Engagement:

Engage your audience with compelling content, interactive features, and community building activities to increase traffic and user loyalty, which can lead to higher ad rates and more opportunities for monetization.

Optimize for Search Engines:

Improve your website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through search engine optimization (SEO) techniques such as keyword optimization, link building, and creating high-quality content that matches user intent.

Utilize Analytics:

Use web analytics tools to track user behavior, demographics, and preferences. This data can help you understand your audience better and tailor your monetization strategies accordingly.

Mobile Optimization:

Ensure your website is optimized for mobile devices as more users access the internet through smartphones and tablets. Mobile optimization can improve user experience and increase monetization potential through mobile-specific ad formats and strategies.

Email Marketing:

Build and nurture an email list of subscribers interested in your content or products. Use email marketing campaigns to promote offers, drive traffic to your website, and generate revenue through affiliate links or direct sales.

Offer Premium Content:

Create premium or gated content that provides additional value to your audience and can be monetized through subscriptions, memberships, or one-time purchases.

Partnerships and Sponsorships:

Collaborate with other brands or influencers in your niche for sponsored content, co-branded campaigns, or affiliate partnerships to expand your reach and monetization opportunities.

Continuous Optimization:

Regularly review and optimize your monetization strategies based on performance metrics, user feedback, and industry trends to ensure long-term success.

10. Monitor and Optimize Performance: 

Once you've implemented AdSense on your website, continuously monitor its performance and make necessary optimizations to maximize revenue. Analyze metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), cost per click (CPC), and revenue per thousand impressions (RPM) to identify areas for improvement.

Monitoring and optimizing your website's performance involves several key steps:

Website Speed:

Use tools like Google Page-Speed Insights or GTmetrix to regularly check your website's loading speed. Optimize images, minimize CSS and JavaScript files, and leverage browser caching to improve performance.

Mobile Responsiveness:

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly by testing its responsiveness across different devices and screen sizes. Google's Mobile-Friendly Test can help identify any issues that need to be addressed.

SEO Performance:

Monitor your website's search engine rankings, organic traffic, and click-through rates using tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics. Identify keywords driving traffic to your site and optimize your content accordingly.

User Experience (UX):

Analyze user behavior on your website through heatmaps, session recordings, and user flow analysis tools like Hotjar or Crazy Egg. Identify pain points, navigation issues, and areas for improvement to enhance the overall user experience.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO):

Track conversion metrics such as sign-ups, purchases, or form submissions using tools like Google Analytics or Optimizely. Conduct A/B tests on key elements such as headlines, call-to-action buttons, and checkout processes to optimize for conversions.

Content Performance:

Evaluate the performance of your content by analyzing metrics such as page views, time on page, and bounce rate. Identify top-performing content and topics of interest to your audience, and create more of it. Also, update or remove outdated or underperforming content.

Security and Reliability:

Regularly monitor your website for security vulnerabilities, malware, and downtime using security plugins or website monitoring services. Implement SSL encryption, regular backups, and security patches to ensure the safety and reliability of your site.


Ensure your website is accessible to users with disabilities by following accessibility guidelines such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). Use tools like WAVE or Axe to identify and fix accessibility issues on your site.

Social Media and Referral Traffic:

Monitor your website's performance on social media platforms and track referral traffic from external sources. Engage with your audience on social media, analyze which platforms drive the most traffic, and optimize your social media strategy accordingly.

Regular Review and Optimization:

Continuously review and optimize your website's performance based on data-driven insights, user feedback, and industry best practices. Keep abreast of new technologies and trends to stay ahead of the competition and ensure your website remains effective and efficient.


In conclusion, obtaining AdSense approval for your website requires a combination of quality content, user engagement, compliance with policies, and strategic optimization. By following the steps outlined in this guide and staying committed to providing value to your audience, you can increase your chances of AdSense approval and unlock the potential for monetizing your website effectively. Remember, patience and perseverance are key, so stay focused on your goals and continuously strive for excellence in your online endeavors. Feel free to Contact Us.


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